Hallway story time

Fun day with engineering at Greenbush!

Fun with engineering at Greenbush!

Engineering fun at Greenbush!

Fun day at Greenbush learning science.

Garfield kids enjoyed a visit from Queen Red today!

Fun day at Greenbush!

Ms. Vaughn’s class is excited for our day at Greenbush!!

Cookie experiment to see which cookies floated or sank. Ms. Pollard’s class has the answer!

Ms. McCleary leading a discussion on Garfield’s Walkthrough Data.

Mrs. Keal’s class wishes everyone a safe and happy Halloween.

Today the Vikings take on the undefeated Girard Trojans at 7:00 in Girard. The Viking Send Off will start in Parsons at 4:45 from 32nd and Main and travel east down Main Street to 16th. Let's line the streets and show these boys how proud we are of them!

Tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday for all USD 503 schools.

Mrs. Waun’s students played Halloween math games during the Greenbush zoom lesson.

Mrs. Keal is Garfield’s Star Staff this week!! Mrs.Keal always shows compassion for her students! She is a teacher leader in the building and extremely knowledgeable!

There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, November 1st OR on Tuesday, November 2nd there will be no school for students. However, there will be Staff Professional Development.

Heading to Greenbush 🤩

Heading to Greenbush 🤩

Heading to Greenbush 🤩

Mrs.Waun’s class took a field trip Greenbush.