The deadline for school board elections is nearly here! Interested people have to register for this Fall's election by June 1. Ensuring that prospective candidates are informed of and prepared for the responsibilities of services on their local board is essential for the shared success of Kansas public education. For additional information: Thank You!
It’s National School Nurse Day. Did you know that #schoolnurses care for the entire school population, especially the most vulnerable? We champion the whole student.
June 12 & 13, the Kauffman Center will debut a weekend of FREE videos, engaging youth-friendly activities and one-of-a-kind live streamed content.
For more information:
The deadline for school board elections is nearly here! Interested people have to register for this Fall's election by June 1. Ensuring that prospective candidates are informed of and prepared for the responsibilities of services on their local board is essential for the shared success of Kansas public education.
For additional information:
Thank You!
National Teacher Appreciation Week
#thankateacher #503lovesourteachers
#thankateacher #pkvikings
May Newsletter -
We appreciate our Viking Teachers!!! #thankateacher
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week.
We have the BEST teachers and staff in with world!
From PTO: Trash bag pick up will be at the Guthridge Safe Room on Wednesday, April 28th from 5-7pm. Pick up will be drive thru style heading north on 31st Street. Stay in your vehicle and your order will be brought out to you.
On Monday, April 26th, the Board of Education voted to use a modified quarantine through the end of the 2020-2021 school year.
What that means for our district is that, effective today, any staff or students that have been fully vaccinated will not be required to quarantine. It was also decided that any staff or student who are not vaccinated against Covid19, but DO wear their masks properly, will not be required to quarantine unless they are experiencing symptoms.
This modified quarantine will be re-evaluated at the May 17th Board of Education meeting, and its continuance will be based on new information and new cases, if there are any.
Any staff member, or student age 16+ that would like to get vaccinated can reach out to the School Health Office and arrangements can be made.
USD 503 Parsons District Schools is now accepting applications for all Child Nutrition positions for School year 2021-22.
Positions available include:
Full-time Child Nutrition Director
Full-time Child Nutrition Kitchen Managers (2)
Full- and part-time Child Nutrition staff
Now is the time to apply to become a member of a team that is committed to providing quality meals to students and staff in the Parsons community! Applications are available at (scroll down to Employment) or by emailing
We are looking forward to working with you!
Parsons Recreation Commission
Girls Softball Registration Deadline: April 8th
Skill Assessment: April 11th @ 4:00 PM Forest Park
USD 503 does have school Friday, April 2nd.
It is a snow makeup day.
April Newsletter -
Reminder: There will be no school on Friday, March 19 and Spring Break is March 22nd to March 26th.
Mrs. Strode's 3rd grade class earned extra free time with Greenbush robots to try different coding in the gym for more space.
The kids in Mrs. Strode's 3rd grade class enjoyed a fun 2 hour zoom with Greenbush. They learned how to code their robots with colors, talking and where it drives. They did an amazing job.
There is no school this Friday!
Remember, Early Dismissal Friday, March 12th at NOON. Please make sure your child knows what to do when school is out or that you are here to pick him or her up. Lunches will be served and bussess will run. Thank you.