Yearbooks are on sale now! Return the order envelope that your child will be receiving or order online at and use code 43680F
almost 5 years ago, Sherri Tierney
Students show off their art work. Classes have been talking about Martin Luther King Jr.
almost 5 years ago, Garfield Elementary School
MLK art
More experimenting in second grade
almost 5 years ago, Kaci Wright
Stem Lab
Experimenting with chemical reactions in Ms. Wright’s class
almost 5 years ago, Kaci Wright
Stem Lab photo
Yearbooks are now for sale. Return the order envelope your child will be receiving or order online at using code 43680F
almost 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
Mr. Liska Reading Ollie’s Odyssey to Mrs. Liska’s class.
almost 5 years ago, Shelby Liska
Mr. Liska Reading Ollie’s Odyssey to Mrs. Liska’s class.
Mrs. Liska and a student twinning!
almost 5 years ago, Shelby Liska
Mrs. Liska and a student twinning! 🦄
Santa at Garfield!
almost 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Santa with staff
Mrs. Strode's class researched the planets and then wrote a exploratory essay over their planet.
about 5 years ago, Katrina Strode
Mrs. Strode's class researched the planets and then wrote a exploratory essay over their planet
Mrs. Strode's class researched the planets and then wrote a exploratory essay over their planet
Mrs. Strode's class researched the planets and then wrote a exploratory essay over their planet
Mrs. Strode's class researched the planets and then wrote a exploratory essay over their planet
On Thursday Garfield had a couple of furry visitors. There is something so calming about puppy snuggles!
about 5 years ago, Garfield Elementary School
Student with puppy
Student with puppy
Fun with fractions!
about 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Student enjoying a fun math game!
about 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Fun math game!
Santa visited Garfield this past week!
about 5 years ago, Misty Russell
We went over our goal of collecting 186 cans of food during our Giving Tree canned food drive. Our students brought in 222 cans for Labette Assistance!
about 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Gifts of food
Community Christmas Meal- Free
about 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Free Christmas Meal! 🎄⛄️🎄
about 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Free meal
First Lieutenant John Ray paid a special visit to a student who wants to be an Army Man when he grows up!
about 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Student with John Ray
A Big Thank You to Mr Liska’s parents who sent us a big box of socks for our clothes room all the way from Chicago! ❤️🎁🧦
about 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Mr Liska
Mrs Russell in a snow globe! ⛄️🎄
about 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Ms Russell
2nd grade is snow much fun!!!
about 5 years ago, Wendy Vaughn
Snow globes
Snow globes