Students writing alliteration poems about their friends!
over 5 years ago, Darece Waun
Writing poems
over 5 years ago, Penny Jacquinot
Getting ready for their feast!
The pilgrims are coming!
Reading Counts reward!
over 5 years ago, Penny Jacquinot
Students from Mrs. Waun’s room were rewarded today and made play doh in the STEM lab!
over 5 years ago, Garfield STEM Lab
Making play doh
Mixing dough
Thanks to some generous parent donations we are getting ready for making elf traps in STEM lab!
over 5 years ago, Garfield STEM Lab
Buckets ready for elf traps in STEM
Readers are Leaders! These students were engrossed in good books!
over 5 years ago, Sherri Tierney
Books take us on adventures
Reading about cats
Reading a good book
Mrs. Strode's 3rd grade using their math skills to complete the scavenger hunt in the classroom.
over 5 years ago, Katrina Strode
using their math skills to solve the problem
math skills at the bests
teamwork to solve the clue
Mrs. Strode's 3rd grade using their math skills to complete the scavenger hunt in the classroom.
over 5 years ago, Katrina Strode
Mrs Russell and Mrs Strodes class in a giant group hug for doing a nice job on a test!
over 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Group hug
Mrs. Strode's 3rd grade class creating their name poems.
over 5 years ago, Katrina Strode
name poems
name poems
name poems
the kids worked so hard creating their name poems.
Learning about Poetry in Ms. Vaughn’s Class. We wrote our favorite animal poems. We are Poets!!
over 5 years ago, Wendy Vaughn
The kitten poem.
My dog poem
The Butterfly poem.
Learning about Poetry in Ms. Vaughn’s Class. We wrote our favorite animal poems. We are Poets!!
over 5 years ago, Wendy Vaughn
Parsons Middle School is hosting the World War I Traveling Museum.
over 5 years ago, Parsons District Schools
PMS WWI Traveling Museum
Big shout out to Mrs Hoyt and her Garfield music students. Tonight’s performance was wonderful! Thank you to our families and friends for supporting our students tonight! 😊😊
over 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Garfield students at tonight’s concert!
Thanksgiving program 2nd grade
over 5 years ago, Linda Proehl
Garfield 2nd Grade
Our Fall music program! Tonight at Municipal Auditorium
over 5 years ago, Misty Russell
Fall Program for Garfield
A future chemist, perhaps? STEM lab is the place for hands on exploration!
over 5 years ago, Garfield STEM Lab
Student with beaker of green liquid.
Students in third grade went to Greenbush and learned all about coding and got to experiment with the Sphero!
over 5 years ago, Tambree Davis
Coding at Greenbush
Coding at Greenbush
Coding at Greenbush
Coding at Greenbush
Today in STEM lab we explored chemistry. We learned about chemical reactions by combining baking soda and vinegar. When combined the chemicals form carbon dioxide. Students harnessed this gas and used it to fill balloons. They also took a closer look at the reaction by pouring colored vinegar over baking soda.
over 5 years ago, Garfield STEM Lab
Chemistry is fun!
Learning about chemical reactions.
Blowing up a balloon with gas.
The children worked hard the last two weeks learning about poems, so today the created their own name poems. It's great hearing the children telling each other positive traits about each other as they created their poems.
over 5 years ago, Katrina Strode
3rd graders working on their name poems
3rd graders working on their name poems
3rd graders working on their name poems
3rd graders working on their name poems