P3 putting a stop to bullying with Ms. Ryan!
Mrs.Waun’s class is finishing up their SEL unit on Empathy by using their lenses of love.
Mrs. Keal’s class had full day of fun science activities at Greenbush Science Center. They coded robots to do all kinds of commands.
Enjoying the weather with lunch outside with friends!
November 30th is Giving Tuesday!!!
Parents, do you recognize any of these clothes on our Lost and Found table?
Parents, do you recognize any of these clothes on our Lost and Found table?
Parents, do you recognize any of these clothes on our Lost and Found table?
Garfield staff is very excited about our Scholastic Book Fair during Parent Teacher Conferences next week!
Gearing up for next weeks Book Fair!
Our Book Fair starts next week! We are excited!
Double jump with Mr Roark in PE
Fun times with Ms Ryan
The elementary schools are selling Viking gear! These items will make great Christmas gifts! Orders and money need to be turned in to our offices tomorrow. Thank you to PTO for organizing this fundraiser!
Mrs. Russell was challenged to a tough game of Connect Four..the winner had to play Ms. Ryan. Danarious was a lively opponent
Tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday for all USD 503 schools.
Pink out+ice cream+cupcakes= Perfect Friday
Mrs. Keal’s class having brunch in the park.
Thank you Parsons “McDonalds” for Free Breakfast all week for Educators! This made us feel appreciated!
Pink Out and PE