Today Mrs. Strode's kids showered our para with cards and a gift for Para Appreciation Week. Mrs. Heppler's support in the classroom helps greatly to all the kids success in the classroom

The best April Fool’s Day prank was when one of Ms Norris’s students came in my office and asked if I would like a Brownie. I replied, “Yes!” With a big grin on her sweet face she promptly handed me a Brown E!
We had a good laugh and then she handed me a Brownie.

Garfield Star Staff of the Week is Mrs.Liska!

Soaking up some sunshine on this beautiful day!!!

Ms. Vaughn’s class is excited to mail our letters to our pen pals we were matched with in David, Florida.

3rd grade team photo

Garfield's April Newsletter

Tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday for all USD 503 schools.

These rockstars worked hard!! 3rd 9 weeks awards!

Wednesday, March 23
Elementary PTO meeting
Parsons Public Library
6:00, all parents invited!

Tomorrow is Late Start Wednesday for all USD 503 schools.

3rd 9 weeks Awards

Mrs.Waun’s students served brownie sundaes to the staff today!

These third graders worked hard and deserved to be recognized. Way to go Vikings!

Mrs.Waun’s working on their animal book reports.

Garfield Teachers are always striving to better engage students and build closer relationships using every resource they have - including our hallway bulletin boards!
Here are a few examples …

Spring Break is from March 14th - 18th.

No School on Friday, March 11, 2022.

Mrs. Strode's students watching "David Speaks Up" with Ms. Ryan during their final counselor safety lesson.